Advanced setup guidesΒΆ

Here we provide some advanced setup guides, in case you want to use docker, configure your own Elasticsearch instance, manage the users in your Rubrix server, or install the cutting-edge master version.

Using dockerΒΆ

You can use vanilla docker to run our image of the server. First, pull the image from the Docker Hub:

docker pull recognai/rubrix

Then simply run it. Keep in mind that you need a running Elasticsearch instance for Rubrix to work. By default, the Rubrix server will look for your Elasticsearch endpoint at http://localhost:9200. But you can customize this by setting the ELASTICSEARCH environment variable.

docker run -p 6900:6900 -e "ELASTICSEARCH=<your-elasticsearch-endpoint>" --name rubrix recognai/rubrix

To find running instances of the Rubrix server, you can list all the running containers on your machine:

docker ps

To stop the Rubrix server, just stop the container:

docker stop rubrix

If you want to deploy your own Elasticsearch cluster via docker, we refer you to the excellent guide on the Elasticsearch homepage

Configure elasticsearch role/usersΒΆ

If you have an Elasticsearch instance and want to share resources with other applications, you can easily configure it for Rubrix.

All you need to take into account is:

  • Rubrix will create its ES indices with the following pattern .rubrix_*. It’s recommended to create a new role (e.g., rubrix) and provide it with all privileges for this index pattern.

  • Rubrix creates an index template for these indices, so you may provide related template privileges to this ES role.

Rubrix uses the ELASTICSEARCH environment variable to set the ES connection.

You can provide the credentials using the following scheme:


Below you can see a screenshot for setting up a new rubrix Role and its permissions:

Deploy to aws instance using docker-machineΒΆ

Setup an AWS profileΒΆ

The aws command cli must be installed. Then, type:

aws configure --profile rubrix

and follow command instructions. For more details, visit AWS official documentation

Once the profile is created (a new entry should be appear in file ~/.aws/config), you can activate it via setting environment variable:

export AWS_PROFILE=rubrix

Create docker machine (aws)ΒΆ

docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 \
--amazonec2-root-size 60 \
--amazonec2-instance-type t2.large \
--amazonec2-open-port 80 \
--amazonec2-ami ami-0b541372 \
--amazonec2-region eu-west-1 \

Available ami depends on region. The provided ami is available for eu-west regions

Verify machine creationΒΆ

$>docker-machine ls

NAME                   ACTIVE   DRIVER      STATE     URL                        SWARM   DOCKER     ERRORS
rubrix-aws             -        amazonec2   Running   tcp://           v20.10.7

Save asigned machine ipΒΆ

In our case, the assigned ip is

Connect to remote docker machineΒΆ

To enable the connection between the local docker client and the remote daemon, we must type following command:

eval $(docker-machine env rubrix-aws)

Define a docker-compose.yamlΒΆ

# docker-compose.yaml
version: "3"

    image: recognai/rubrix:v0.4.0
      - "80:80"
      ELASTICSEARCH: <elasticsearch-host_and_port>
    restart: unless-stopped

Pull imageΒΆ

docker-compose pull

Launch docker containerΒΆ

docker-compose up -d

Accessing RubrixΒΆ

In our case

User managementΒΆ

The Rubrix server allows you to manage various users, which helps you to keep track of the annotation agents.

The default userΒΆ

By default, Rubrix is only configured for the following user:

  • username: rubrix

  • password: 1234

  • api key: rubrix.apikey

How to override the default api keyΒΆ

To override the default api key you can set the following environment variable before launching the server:


How to override the default user passwordΒΆ

To override the password, you must set an environment variable that contains an already hashed password. You can use htpasswd to generate a hashed password:

%> htpasswd -nbB "" my-new-password

Then set the environment variable omitting the first : character (in our case $2y$05$T5...):

export RUBRIX_LOCAL_AUTH_DEFAULT_PASSWORD="<generated_user_password>"

How to add new usersΒΆ

To configure the Rubrix server for various users, you just need to create a yaml file like the following one:

# Users are provided as a list
- username: user1
  hashed_password: <generated-hashed-password> # See the previous section above
  api_key: "ThisIsTheUser1APIKEY"
- username: user2
  hashed_password: <generated-hashed-password> # See the previous section above
  api_key: "ThisIsTheUser2APIKEY"
- ...

Then point the following environment variable to this yaml file before launching the server:

export RUBRIX_LOCAL_AUTH_USERS_DB_FILE=/path/to/.users.yaml

If everything went well, the configured users can now log in and their annotations will be tracked with their usernames.

Using docker-composeΒΆ

Make sure you create the yaml file above in the same folder as your docker-compose.yaml.

Then open the provided docker-compose.yaml and configure the rubrix service in the following way:

# docker-compose.yaml
    image: recognai/rubrix:v0.4.0
      - "6900:80"
      ELASTICSEARCH: http://elasticsearch:9200
      RUBRIX_LOCAL_AUTH_USERS_DB_FILE: /config/.users.yaml

      # We mount the local file .users.yaml in remote container in path /config/.users.yaml
      - ${PWD}/.users.yaml:/config/.users.yaml

You can reload the rubrix service to refresh the container:

docker-compose up -d rubrix

If everything went well, the configured users can now log in and their annotations will be tracked with their usernames.

Install from masterΒΆ

If you want the cutting-edge version of Rubrix with the latest changes and experimental features, follow the steps below in your terminal. Be aware that this version might be unstable!

First, you need to install the master version of our python client:

pip install -U git+

Then, the easiest way to get the master version of our web app up and running is via docker-compose:

# get the docker-compose yaml file
mkdir rubrix && cd rubrix
wget -O docker-compose.yml
# use the master image of the rubrix container instead of the latest
sed -i 's/rubrix:latest/rubrix:master/' docker-compose.yml
# start all services
docker-compose up

If you want to use vanilla docker (and have your own Elasticsearch instance running), you can just use our master image:

docker run -p 6900:6900 -e "ELASTICSEARCH=<your-elasticsearch-endpoint>" --name rubrix recognai/rubrix:master

If you want to execute the server code of the master branch manually, we refer you to our Development setup.